Journal information

ISSN: 1665-5796
eISSN: 2530-0709
Indexed in: DOAJ, MIAR, Latindex (Catálogo 2.0


Medicina Universitaria is the official scientific journal of the School of Medicine and the “Dr. José Eleuterio González” University Hospital of Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL).

The journal seeks to promote medical-scientific writing and thereby support research and creativity in Medicine. The journal aims to support the medical-biological sciences related to health as well as providing a space for history, philosophy, and ethics in this discipline. Medical writing including anecdotes, stories and short stories of doctors and patients, who according to the Editorial Committee are of interest to its public are also encouraged.

Medicina Universitaria publishes quarterly in English. It receives original, unpublished scientific articles, review articles, clinical cases, letters to the editor and editorials both in Spanish or English. It is an electronic and open access journal.